com pesada fundamentação. Assim, por mais agradável, encantadora, fabulosa for a base de minha percepção, esta será incapaz de concretamente estar colaborando para melhorias; tão somente, está servindo para dissimular mal feitos.
de uso livre, e maior qualidade no link.
Para continuação é bem vindo a doação de um café (^^)!
Without prioritizing the fundamental courage of dealing with the evil that inhabits me, of unmasking it, of realizing it; to conjure it and not be ignoring it or making it easy to hide with denials, justifications, and projections on third parties; then all my actions and reactions will be contaminated by this one, making all my interactions a harmful proliferation over the externality, so as to feed back on its self-destructiveness. Which is its essence, its beginning, middle and end: the destructiveness of everything that nests it.