de uso livre, e maior qualidade no link.
structure - whether ideological, cultural, legislative, physical -
should never subdue or be barriers, but paths; that favor autonomy;
respect for human dignity and cooperation, without distinction.
Inconvenient, if I want, to be led by the best, that they serve me to
justify: indifference; omission or shields to substantiate and
maintain the being in an inability to deal with differences and to
overcome flaws in the process of empathic development; relational -
essential factors for improvement and well-being! It is ruinous,
impoverishing - because it weakens and limits in several aspects as a
species - that they break or motivate titterium to fall into pieces,
to see themselves broken, obscuring the perception of the inherent
interconnections - to become unconsciously disconnected and
conflicted with the reality that imposes connection.