de uso livre, e maior qualidade no link.
continuação é bem vindo a
doação de um café (^^)!
Empowering happiness does not consist in perceiving myself as perfect, greater, or better than others; for it is not found there: to ignore or hide my limitations; do not see my mistakes; my inherent ignorance and misery, whatever I know and still am, and worse justifying them; but I do have it, being sincerely aware of it and how much it has consequences for me and the environment at the level of opening me, being in the mood to change these. The empowering happiness is not in not having afflictions; but after, allowing me confidence despite; overcome them. It is not being the "mighty one"; the strongest"; “The conqueror” that these behaviors usually move, not by constructive energies, but by destructive reactivities, of themselves and of what they touch - as in the myth of Midas: gilding the proliferation of deaths; They thus end up enveloped in self-destruction and scarcity in a devastated land. Nor is it found in conformism, indifference; in denial; in perceptual distortion of facts, results and consequences; but in facing the repulsive pain; of the negativity that was generated; thus opens the possibility of actual joys springing up; bear fruit and satiate.
A poesia de Solimar desnuda o cotidiano,
escancara a realidade camuflada
que a nossa miopia teima em não enxergar
e penetra os insondáveis mistérios da alma humana
acostumada à superficialidade óbvia da rotina.
Seus olhos de lince perscrutam as profundezas abissais
de corações e mentes entorpecidos e
de lá traz pérolas impregnadas de verdades insuspeitas.
escancara a realidade camuflada
que a nossa miopia teima em não enxergar
e penetra os insondáveis mistérios da alma humana
acostumada à superficialidade óbvia da rotina.
Seus olhos de lince perscrutam as profundezas abissais
de corações e mentes entorpecidos e
de lá traz pérolas impregnadas de verdades insuspeitas.