de uso livre, e maior qualidade no link.
continuação é bem vindo a
doação de um café (^^)!
It is in the desire to know, to be aware of what happens inwardly and around me and in the search for what may be the best there - and that is possibly happening in my life in the now - that will give me a condition of openness to that, and capacity to find a way to overcome my "limitation", my "deficiency"; to elaborate, to dribble that which makes me feel reduced, diminished, inferiorized, and suffocates me before the apparent "greatness" and the "superiority" of others. By supplanting - at the root - my conceptual smallness, limitation, inferiority focusing on what matters, what may be best for my uniqueness and perceive and welcome it, and inevitably by my will, to be involved by it, and enjoy without error of what this has to offer and probably already recovering my dignity - therefore, I respect to respect - previously lost, despised, and I have the capacity to enter into psychoemotional well-being and to have discernment for right choices and more appropriate attitudes.
(...) por que os consumidores
falham ao decidir, explica o que são vieses cognitivos,
a diferença de decisões baseadas na razão e na intuição,
além de uma breve apresentação sobre Neuroeconomia.(...)
(...) por que os consumidores
falham ao decidir, explica o que são vieses cognitivos,
a diferença de decisões baseadas na razão e na intuição,
além de uma breve apresentação sobre Neuroeconomia.(...)