... Um posicionamento inequívoco de ...

Na prioridade de salvaguardar regalias, posta em perda e sob ataque está: a possibilidade de vitalizadoras transformações necessárias e profundas: a empatia: civilidade, humanitarismo; soluções e salubridade. Em ênfase está a calúnia, a demagogia, mentira — respaldadas pela violência; a perpetuação de erros, insalubridades por negligência ou paliação; miséria; discriminação. Condições que só suplantarei com um decidido e direto confrontamento. Um posicionamento inequívoco de resistência, de flagramento com ação efetivamente cuidadora, empática.

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Yes, it is difficult to unchain myself from the past; which anchors itself in a safe harbor, even if it never was. Intending to avoid a possible perdition, which is already consummated: in the useless attempt to cling to the past, which, obsolete in the dynamism of life that flows, evaporates and turns into gas; which changes, even worse, if stagnant, which ends in a mutation of rot — and no longer perceived as a step, which inevitably accumulates mere debris that gradually becomes muddy, decomposing, in time and its agents, its original form; obscured, confused, viscous — an imaginary treacherous past. A deformed memory, with an exaggerated emotional charge — at best and at worst — childish and progressively increasing frustration and fear in the face of the inevitable demands of transformations and their warnings, which if duly accepted could occur, without tearing, without bursting, only necessary and promising, if under conscience and healthy, true, well-founded information and consequent choices, adjustments, innovations.


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